There are extensive filters and brushes as well as fly-out animations, explaining tools for more inexperienced users, but of course, there are also Adobe tutorials to ease you through everything. The masking, layering, and retouching tools are still some of the best around even up to the pro level. Whilst it doesn’t offer cataloging tools the integration with Adobe lightroom makes up for that, allowing PhotShop to fully focus on the great, powerful state fo the art editing tools for which it has become renowned.

It is a much loved, much praised go-to editing tool for professionals and hobbyists alike, and the sheer volume of positive feedback should tell you all you need to know. Photoshop is so well known that it has become a byword for all photo editing and it’s not difficult to see its influence on most of the other photo editing software packages available. Price: Adobe Creative Cloud Photography plan from $9.99 A few minutes can make all the difference with the right software, you’ll get a reputation in no time. This article will take you through some of the very best photo editing software around at present and whizz you through the main features, prices, and overview without getting too technical. There is absolutely something for everybody.

Luckily photo editing software is doing its best to keep up with technology and volume, with an increasingly wide range of choices, from free to paid for, from the professional level to beginners. Whilst it is true that cameras and phone cameras are getting better all the time, producing fantastic results, it is equally true that the sheer numbers of photos out there (from social media to stock images) mean that nowadays your shot needs to be extra special to really stand out. We aren’t just talking about professionals anymore, it’s an area that has gone truly mainstream. Photo editing has taken on new importance as everybody has a camera with them at all times.