They are stronger and more capable than their npc_metropolice counterparts. They are the grunts of the Combine Overwatch, serving as the main soldier enemies in the game and a successor to monster_human_grunt from Half-Life 1. Once again the command to create an NPC is npc_create npc_ npc_combine_s is a point entity available in the Half-Life 2 series. The first list is characters that are people you talk to and interact with and the second list are ones you fight. This is a list of characters you can spawn. Alot of people have been asking for these commands so here they are in ther full glory. Nick Stecken (Hickz hotmail com) Half Life 2 (PC) Ability to Spawn in NPC's via console. combine_mine) are not actually recognized as NPCs in the game and therefore will not have many standard NPC features available, such as relationships This is the list of all NPCs spawnable in console 1 In Console 1.1 Half-Life 2 1.2 HL-2: Episode One/Two 1.3 Portal In the console, type ent_create (not in italic) and then these NPCs spawn codes npc_gman - Spawns G-Man, entitatea de la HL-2 npc_alyx - Spawns Alyx, the deuteragonist of HL-2 npc_barney - Spawns Barney Calhoun npc_metropolice - Spawns the Metro Police npc_combine_s - Spawns a. Note: Some entities in this category (e.g. This category contains NPCs available in Half-Life 2. So, in a quest to learn the true story behind the glitch's origin, there's only one thing for it: It's time to find Ditman.This is the IGN Inside Story of Ditman: The mysterious gamer who changed Resident Evil 4 forever.Featuring:Sunblade - / Taylor - Mike Wave - / Man - Community Leader at RE4 Speedruns - (RE4 Speedruns Discord - ) Additional Footage:Pitted - Bawkbasoup - Sunblade ( COO of 59 Gaming, Inc.Category:Half-Life 2 NPCs. The glitch allowed players to move 50% faster and since that day, the Ditman Glitch is the true essential tool for speedrunning Resident Evil 4.Today though, there's no evidence the post ever existed, and Ditman333 has since faded into mythical status. 15 years ago, a mysterious GameFAQs user called Ditman333 posted about a glitch he'd discovered in Resident Evil 4.