Nintendo has just issued multiple DMCA takedown requests to GitHub, including for Lockpick, the tool for dumping keys from YOUR OWN Switch, which is absolutely ludicrous – pirates aren't gonna be sourcing keys from their own consoles! It’s only a matter of time until they come up with alternative ways to pirate and emulate on PC the game once released. However, people on the internet are smart.

Will it be the same for Tears of the Kingdom? I can’t say for sure, but for many people, it’s a no.

The prequel of Legend of Zelda TOTK, that is, Legend of Zelda BOTW has been seen making its way to PCs through emulators like Yuzu. You can’t play Nintendo games including TOTK on PC. The game is set to be released on the Nintendo Switch only. Well, the question is will it be the same for Zelda TOTK as well? At the moment, the answer to this question is in the midst of an existential crisis, meaning can’t be fully answered yet. Over the years gamers have been using emulators to play Nintendo games on PC. Nintendo has never released one of its major titles on PC yet.

We all know Nintendo makes games exclusive to their consoles.

Will Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom be available on PC?