Had to Run in order to use the new code, unfortunately. Pokemon Platinum Pokemon Tower Defense Portal Ragdoll Achevment 2 Replaying.

Miscellaneous tweaks | fastest text | randomize hidden hollowsĬonfig string | 172GBMCDgLuAfEB9AEyng0eIRgBCgGZCpk9CR8CAAAAAAAAAggyE1Bva2Vtb24gQmxhY2sgMiAoVSnSeR+j48M4ig=Īfter hitting target, switches places with another Party member.įirst Encounter (Take 2) | Cobalion LVL 4 AGAINĭecided to use an Action Replay Code to ensure I wouldn't waste on First Encounters Pokemon Emerald Extreme Randomizer Play Pokemon Games Online>Pokemon. Move tutor compatibility | randomized preferring same type Pokemon Black 2 Randomizer is a RPG video game for Nintendo DS. Move tutors | random | force % of good damaging moves: 25%

Tm/hm compatibility | randomized preferring same type You can download it now and is a Randomized version of Pokemon White 2. Tm/hm | random | full hm compatibility | force % of good damaging moves: 25% Februby admin Pokemon White 2 Extreme Randomizer: Download Pokemon White 2 Extreme Randomizer NDS ROM is Now available. Wild pokemon | random | catch em all mode | randomize held items | ban bad items Trainers pokemon | type themed | rival carries starter through game | try to use pokemon with similar strength | randomize trainer names | randomize trainer class names Pokemon movesets | randomized preferring same type | every pokemon starts with 4 moves | reorder damaging moves | force % of good damaging moves: 25% Move data | randomize move power | randomize move accuracy | randomize move pp | randomize move types | randomize move category In-game trades | randomize both requested & given | randomize nick/ot/iv/item Pokemon abilities | randomized | allow wonder guard | follow evolutions Pokemon base statistics | randomized | standardize exp curves | follow evolutions